how to… move on

i’m lucky to have the greatest friends in the world

Hi pals! What a summer it has been! It’s been quite a while since we last talked, so allow me to fill you in on what’s been happening lately. Senior year flew by and I’m now a high school graduate, the summer is practically over, and I’m currently gearing up to go to a university drama school…in London, England! It’s hard to believe that I’ll be moving to another continent to begin a new chapter of my life.

While this is such an exciting time, it is also difficult to leave behind all the family and friends who mean everything to me. With social media, FaceTime, WhatsApp, etc. I know we can keep in touch and being home during school breaks will be a great time to catch up. That being said, I want to focus on the upside of this big change, because there is so much to look forward to!

1.) New friends

I’m lucky to have amazing friends here and now. They will always be an integral part of my life. However, that doesn’t mean I need to be exclusive toward other potential pals. One of the best feelings in the world is making authentic connections with genuine people. I can’t wait to finally meet all of my classmates in person!

2.) Living in the city

Ever since I was little, the hustle and bustle of the city was intriguing to me. Being from a small town means I’m limited to a few of the same restaurants, shops and points of interest. Now that I’m moving to lovely Londontown, I’ll never run out of things to do! Expect a city guide coming your way once I’m more acclimated to my new crib.

3.) Honing my craft

Developing my artistry in one of the major theatre capitals of the world is an absolute dream come true. I can’t wait to work at the thing I love most, alongside talented people who are equally passionate about theatre. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not seeing through rose colored glasses. It will be incredibly tough at times, but if all works out, it should prove to be just as rewarding.

4.) Seeing shows

This goes hand in hand with my last point, but seeing theatre of all varieties inspires me to be a better performer. Whether it’s the West End, Shakespeare’s Globe, or anything in between, I’ll be seeing as many shows as I possibly can.

5.) Independence

Because I am an only child, my parents and I spend a lot of time together. I absolutely adore my family, but it will be refreshing to have some alone time for a while. Cooking is not my strong suit, but I am determined to improve during my time abroad. With the help of my flatmate, we’ll conquer “adulting” in style.

My new life at drama school will take some adjusting, but I know everything will work out how it should. I will do my best to be much more consistent with the posts from here on out, so stay tuned for plenty of updates, I’m sure there will be quite a bit to tell!

Until next time…

xo, Liv

How To… Survive Your First Day!

Hi guys! Can you believe that summer is already coming to a close? Back-to-school season is here and I’m excited. As I enter my senior year of high school, the final “first day of high school”, I realize how much I have learned with each passing school year…the good and the not-so-good. Let’s relieve some of those 1st day of school jitters.

Without further adieu, let’s get started with the post!

  • Prepare the Night Before
    • Plan out what you’re going to wear, what you’ll need for class, practice how you’d like to wear your hair (perhaps new hairdo?), whatever you can prep the night before will help, so that when you wake up in the morning you’re not stressed. Then…
  • Beauty Rest
    • Get a nice, long sleep…got to get that beauty rest. There’s nothing worse than looking sleep deprived on the first day of school!
  • Confidence is Key
    • Walk into the school like you’re friends with everyone already. Go in with that mindset and you will make friends, because it’s attractive to other people when you’re confident. Hugs are always great for friends, and complimenting people sparks up a conversation. Don’t feel freaked out if you’re not in class with your friends from last year, just focus on getting to know your new classmates and catch up with last year’s friends after school or during lunch.
  • Be Social!
    • In a couple months, you’ll have MORE friends, not less, so be social! Try not to be that person who’s always on Twitter as opposed to making in-person connections. Clearly you’d rather be talking with friends, but you’re nervous and that’s okay! Everyone’s super nervous, so just by going up to someone and starting a conversation, you never know what could happen! It’s truly a blessing to have relationships with people, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on that!
  • Outfit of the Day
    • Try-on a few outfits the night before. Super stressful to decide, but just wear something that you’re confident in. That will be, again, attractive to other people because you’re rockin’ your outfit. Be cute, comfortable, and confident!

I really hope you guys enjoyed this post! Make sure to comment down below what your favorite thing about going back to school is, I want to hear what you guys think!

xo, Liv

How To… Experience Self-Growth!

Hi guys! I turn 17 this week (on the 12th) and I decided I wanted to do a post about things and life lessons I have learned at 16 years old. This has been a year of tremendous self-growth! As I prepare to start my senior year of high school, part of me wishes that I could just be in kindergarten again, but I know I’m ready for bigger and better things! That being said, I think I will experience even more personal changes in my 17th revolution around the sun, so I want to document some of the things I feel like I have learned this year and compare them to a future list!

  1. You can’t please everyone!! Growing up, I was the type of kid that always wanted to make everyone happy. This year especially, I’ve learned that what one person loves about you may be what another hates. In one of my earlier posts about authenticity, I said that by being authentic, you attract the people who you’ll have the deepest connection with. As cheesy as it sounds, staying true to myself was what enabled me to make decisions I knew were right for me. You are in charge of your own happiness. 
  2. You are stronger than you think! Guys, having a thick skin is so important. As an actress, getting used to hearing “no” is a tough but necessary skill. There’s a quote that says, “You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.” Oftentimes, our biggest setbacks reveal the most about who we are!
  3. Quality over quantity. I can count on one hand the number of people who I consider my close friends. These are people who I know have my back no matter what. This year, I’ve found out that in times of personal hardships, you discover who your true friends are pretty quickly (and consequently, which friends are not true). Connecting with people can be difficult, but once you find your tribe, you’ll know it. Cherish those people, and let them know often how appreciated they are. 
  4. It’s possible that you’ll regret some things you did, but more often than not, you will regret the things you didn’t do! There have been so many times when I was on an adventure and I was scared but didn’t want to regret not taking advantage of an amazing opportunity! I have swam alongside sharks, made new friends both nationally and internationally, and introduced myself to one of my heroes, Broadway legend Stephen Schwartz. I can definitively say that I have had absolutely no regrets this year!
  5. Trust your instincts. They’re usually right. 
  6. There may be times when you would rather have a Netflix night than go out and party, and that’s totally okay. 
  7. Sometimes it’s best to be alone with your thoughts. Meditation is so important, especially for someone like me who’s constantly busy! Eliminate distractions by turning off electronics and take time to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings.
  8. Traveling can change your life. See what the world has to offer!
  9. There is more to life than fancy cars, houses, clothes, etc. 
  10. Swearing is only effective if it’s done properly. Using expletives in every other word makes it lose its emphasis.
  11. Turn your dreams into plans. You’ll feel more accomplished, I promise.
  12. Live in the moment. Take in all that life has to offer!
  13. Learn about the people around you! People can be great!! People can be super incredible!! All it takes is one conversation to find out more about someone’s journey through life.
  14. For the love of god, tell your mother you love her!! We may still argue sometimes, but at the end of the day, my momma is the most important person in my life!
  15. On that note, tell your father you love him too. My parents are my number one supporters! I got lucky in the family department.
  16. Being authentic can be difficult. How can I be myself when I don’t know who I am entirely yet?! It’s okay!! Take time to work on yourself! The road is rarely ever easy (at least in my case) but I am pretty proud of my development as a person over these past 16 years.

Above all else, challenge yourself to be a better person than you were yesterday. You’d be surprised how much change can occur in just one year. 

Until next time…

xo, Liv

How To… Make a Killer Comeback!

Woah guys, it’s been a hot second. Well, actually, 5 months to be precise. So, where have I been? Well for starters, junior year is no joke. Between managing homework, extra curriculars, an internship, a job and trying to squeeze some time in to be a normal teenager, blogging has taken a backseat for the past few months. It’s been a whirlwind!

On top of that, I’ve been wanting to switch up the content I produce here on the blog. While the fashion and beauty stuff was fun for a while, there’s so much more to me as a human being, and I really want this blog to highlight the life I live as a whole person. I love giving advice and talking (or writing, rather) through whatever life throws at us. Producing meaningful content is important to me, so I hope y’all will stick with me. And don’t fret! This doesn’t mean I’m completely cutting off fashion and beauty posts indefinitely, but expect more variety in the future.

With summer officially here, I’m determined to make this blog fresh, fun, and better than ever! Thank you for your continued support.

xo, Liv

Midterm Must-Haves!

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Hi guys! So, it’s THAT time of year again…midterm season. Midterms are rapidly approaching, so to help prepare you guys, I compiled a list of my essentials for testing week. Read on to see what they are!

  1. WATER.

I always feel dehydrated whenever I’m in a stressful situation, so water is a definite need.

2. Snacks

Not the best idea to eat during the testing session, but a quick bite right before or after taking the test will help you avoid any embarrassing stomach grumbles while the room is silent!

3. Positive mindset

It sounds so incredibly cheesy, but positive reiteration could actually improve your performance on the exam! If you’ve studied adequately, you should be just fine. Believe in yourself!

4. Breaks

Allow yourself to take some study breaks! Allowing yourself a 5 or 10 minute break after studying for a half hour or so will give your eyes a much needed rest.

5. Sleep

I try to get at least eight hours of undisturbed, deep sleep during testing week, so I feel extra energized the next day. Midterms week is not the time to be pulling all-nighters.

6. Exercise!

Staying active during this stressful time is key to a mood boost. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which make you feel happier. I like to do yoga because I find that it relaxes me.

7. Meditation

Now that you’ve exercised your body, you can exercise your mind by practicing meditation. Meditation helps me center myself and keep my focus. If you’re not sure how to start, there are tons of guided meditation videos on YouTube that are great tools.

8. Airplane Mode

Yes, airplane mode is one of my essentials for midterm week. By blocking distractions like social media on my phone, it becomes so much easier for me to study uninterrupted. It can be difficult to disconnect, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and know that you’re doing the right thing by self-disciplining.

9. Breakfast

If there aren’t at least two essentials related to food on this list, is it really a Liv list? In all seriousness though, eating a healthy (keyword HEALTHY) breakfast before a test makes a world of difference. Fueling your body with proper nutrition is vital.

10. Friends

Midterms week is not a fun time for most people. So, when you feel overwhelmed, talk to a friend. They can usually help put things in perspective and make you a heck of a lot happier, too.

What are your midterm essentials? Let me know in the comments!

Good luck on all of your midterms! See you soon!

xo, Liv

A Year in Review

Happy almost 2018 guys! This past year has been such a journey for me, with many highs, and fortunately, very few lows. Nevertheless, I figured as we are coming to the end of the year, I should do a list of the things 2017 taught me. Without further ado, read on to hear my top 5 life lessons from this year…

  1. You are enough.

You, right now, at this point in time, are enough. Let whatever you do today be enough. It’s important to create goals to better yourself, but don’t beat yourself up for not attaining them immediately. Which leads me to my next point…

2. Dreams do come true.

There have been quite a few highs this year. I achieved many goals I set for myself, both personal and professional, and it was such a gratifying feeling when I did. However, none of that came about without hustle. I stayed on my grind and kept focused, all while having to overcome some personal setbacks in order to make the progress that I did this year. So keep on keeping on and believe in yourself; you’ve got this!

3. Make memories!

This was truly my most memorable year yet. This June, I traveled to Maine with my family, where we explored the city of Portland, discovered great vegan restaurants and bakeries, as well as hiking some beautiful nature preserves. The following month, I set off on my great adventure to Honduras, where I became scuba certified, swam with exotic sea creatures in clear blue water, did research for PhD students, and met amazing new friends who I (hopefully) will visit in the coming year!

4. Every day is a fresh start.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all screw up. But every morning is a new beginning, a clean slate. The goal is to try to be better than the person you were yesterday.

5. Love ya self.

Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Instead, surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self. There’s a quote by the writer Alex Elle that says, “there will be moments in life when showing up for yourself will mean leaving behind the people who don’t.” This is something that I have found to be extremely true this year by being fearlessly authentic. So exhale the bullshit and take time to do what makes your soul happy. Be you. Do you. For you.

Here are some of my fave memories from this past year!

Having a fun photoshoot with friends!

Seeing Panic! At the Disco in concert!!

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Drama crew!

Seeing and stagedooring Dear Evan Hansen, getting to meet Michael Park!

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Being part of an original cast in “Her Song” the musical!

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Getting nominated for a HALO award, and having my beautiful friend Alyssa by my side!

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Going to New York with Alyssa!

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Getting a super cool internship at the Goodspeed Opera House!

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Family vacation in Maine!

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Seeing and stagedooring Charlie and meeting the OBC!

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Kaleo concert with Penny!

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Salem, MA around Halloween time with Penny!

Fall play!

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Winning monologue competition for the 2nd year!

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National Honor Society induction!

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Going to New York to see Anastasia and meeting up with my friend Molly! She’s a blogger too, check her out here!

Wishing you a happy, fulfilling 2018! See you in the new year!

xo, Liv

Spooky in Salem!

Hi guys, long time no see! With Halloween right around the corner, I had to make sure I got an extra-spooky post up!

Recently, my friend Penny and I payed a visit to Salem, Massachusetts in honor of the spirit of Halloween. We saw the filming locations of our favorite seasonal movie, Hocus Pocus, including Max and Dani’s house, Alison’s house, the cemetery where Billy Butcherson chases the kids and the town hall where Winifred Sanderson sings her iconic rendition of “I Put a Spell on You”. People all over town were dressed in their Halloween finery, which was so much fun to see as well. Check out the pics below to see a few moments of our creepy-fun adventure!

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Have a safe and happy Halloween! Until next time…

xo, Liv

Your Autumn Adventure Guide!

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetProcessed with VSCO with c1 presetProcessed with VSCO with c1 presetProcessed with VSCO with c1 presetHi guys! I’m a sucker for a good adventure. For those of you like me, you’re in luck! Today, I’m talking all about cool ways to go adventuring in the crisp fall weather. Adventure seekers, read on!

Idea #1: Go for a Hike!

Hikes are amazing. They’re such a great way to clear your mind. I’m really not a fan of conventional workouts either, so hiking is an effective way for me to stay active while having fun! Hikes with friends usually lend themselves to deep conversations as well, so all the more reason to embark on the journey!

Idea #2: Scenic Drives

There’s nothing like driving down the scenic route with the windows down, listening to your favorite fall playlist. Here’s mine.

Idea #3: Go to a Family Farm!

Family farms have so much to offer in the fall. As an iconic fall tradition, pumpkin picking is super fun to do with friends. You can paint, carve, or eat it afterward (the seeds that is!). You can also get lost in a corn maze and pick apples.

Idea #4: Explore Salem, MA

This is something I’ve always wanted to do. Salem, Massachusetts is known for its witch trials in the Puritan age. In October, the town goes all out for Halloween. In addition, Salem was the filming location for the movie “Hocus Pocus”, so visitors can see the actual house where the movie was filmed! Furthermore, Salem offers night walking tours so you can see the town in all of its spooky glory.

Idea #5: Discover a New Coffee Shop

Coffee shops are my favorite aesthetic for fall. These days, it seems like there’s a Starbucks on every corner (not that that’s a bad thing, I love me a nice Horchata almond milk Frappuccino). However, it’s always fun to find a cute, artsy coffee shop that’s unique. Do a little Googling and see what you can find!

I hope you’re inspired to have your own adventures this season! Let me know in the comments what you like to do in the fall!

See you next post!

xo, Liv

Fall Bucket List 2017


Hi guys! It’s been such a busy couple of weeks, between recovering from the seasonal cold and adjusting to the workload at school, the blog has taken a backseat. Fortunately, I’m back and better than ever because I’m in FULL ON FALL MODE! October is my fave month of the year, so you can expect plenty of fun fall posts coming your way very soon. In the meantime, I figured I’d share with you my fall bucket list for this year. I get super inspired by reading other people’s bucket lists, so hopefully you can draw some inspiration from mine! Read on and enjoy!

Liv’s Foolproof Fall Bucket List 2017:

  • Try a new soup recipe (done!)
  • Decorate pumpkins
  • Have a Halloween movie marathon
  • Bake an apple pie
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Have s’mores by candlelight
  • Take pictures in fall leaves
  • Light fall scented candles (done!)
  • Enjoy a scenic fall drive (done!)
  • Host a Thanksgiving dessert night
  • Make pumpkin pancakes
  • Visit farmer’s market
  • Go for a walk in the brisk autumn air, latte in hand
  • Get festive for Halloween (done!)
  • Give myself a fall-themed pedicure (done!)
  • Go to a concert

Let me know in the comments what’s on your fall bucket list! Stay tuned for the next post!

xo, Liv



How To… Free Yourself!

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Hey guys! Today’s post is all about confidence. This is a mindset that I was not born with, but nurtured and developed over time. However, in middle school, I found myself caring about really insignificant things. I hope this post allows you guys to free yourself from other people’s opinions and your own self-doubt. I hope you will feel comfortable in your own skin and just live your life on your own terms. When you free yourself, you are able to live up to your fullest potential. I have become so much more positive since I stopped worrying so much about what other people think of me. I am free to be ME!

  1. Remember who you are…

Stay true to your roots. I did a whole post on authenticity in March 2017, so feel free to check it out for a more in-depth look at this tip. Don’t stay hung up on your flaws. Accept them and move on. You are a unique individual with unique qualities. There is nobody on this earth just like you. Love that about yourself. The French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” It’s so important to come to terms with who you are, but don’t let it define you, because we are constantly evolving. Never lose sight of who you are in an attempt to please other people. It takes time, but don’t give up on yourself. You are enough.

2. People are just people…

Everybody is human, and thus, everybody is flawed. Don’t allow your motivation to be defined by other people’s journeys. Everyone has their own unique path in life. Humans are just humans. Do not be intimidated. You do you and let them do them.

3. Let go of societal norms and expectations…

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. What’s stopping you? DO THINGS YOUR WAY. Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons. The greatest people in history were the ones who thought differently and lived their lives outside of the norm. Always listen to guidance, but don’t waste your time living someone else’s life. Never explain yourself to anyone. You don’t need anyone’s approval. Be kind and considerate to everyone but do NOT feel the need to have to please anyone else. Live your life, believe in yourself, and go where you feel most alive.

4. Have some me-time…

When you focus on self-growth, you stop comparing yourself to others. Your well-being should always come first. Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive. Take time to do what makes your soul happy. A healthy mind gives you a positive life. Love yourself, because self love is the greatest medicine.

5. Cultivate a mindset of detachment…

If there is a person in your life who wants out, let them go. You are going to be okay. Let resentment and jealousy go. If something doesn’t work out, whether it’s a relationship, a friendship, or a job, it is for the best. Stay away from people who make you feel like you’re hard to love. I love this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley that reads, “Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things will always work out.” Inhale the future, exhale the past. Breathe. It hurts to hold onto something that doesn’t want to be there. Anything that is meant for you in life will find a way back into your life. Let go of an idea of how life is supposed to be. When you rid yourself of the “I need this or I won’t be happy” mentality, your life will instantly become more positive, and happiness looks gorgeous on everyone. Everything happens for a reason. All we have is now. Life is too short to worry about things that we can’t control. Instead, focus on the things you do have control over and relax.

I hope that this post helped. Know that you are unique and beautiful. Your true beauty, worth, and power come from within. May the change of seasons be a period of magnificent transformation. Talk to you soon!

xo, Liv